Fireplace Talk "Energy Efficiency in Industry
On 27 April, experts from science and industry met for a digital Fireplace Talk on energy efficiency in industry. Energy efficiency is a crucial means of decarbonising the sector and, as the second major pillar of the energy transition, it makes it possible to alleviate the pressure on the expansion of renewable energies. Eun-mi Ok, Manager of the Industry Climate Change Response Division of the Korea Energy Agency (KEA), and Matthias Leisin from the Institute of Energy Economics and Rational Energy Use (IER) at the University of Stuttgart each gave an overview of the state of energy efficiency and existing policies in both countries. Jana Narita from adelphi presented the results of a comparative study on energy efficiency in industry and the building sector in Korea and Germany. In the discussion that followed, it became clear that Germany and Korea can learn from each other in many respects and various topics for a more in-depth exchange between the two partner countries were worked out together. For example, the effectiveness and efficiency of instruments to promote the use of highly efficient systems in industry and the use of waste heat and heat pumps were identified as particularly promising topics for further exchange.