Korean German Business Forum on Offshore Wind

On October 17, 2022, the Korean-German Business Forum on Offshore Wind Energy, co-organized by the German Embassy Seoul, the Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK) and further supported by adlephi was held in Seoul.
The forum aimed to intensify business exchange and collaboration in the offshore wind industry and to provide a platform for the German and Korean governments to present their policies and lessons learned for the development of offshore wind. Leading German companies in the industry participated on-site to present their know-how and project progress in front of around 140 interested industry experts and decision makers. The Korea Wind Energy Industry Association and S&P Global Commodity Insights provided further insights into the Korean offshore wind market. Additionally, representatives of the German Federal Ministry for Economics and Climate Action and the Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy presented the status quo of offshore wind-related policies. Following the presentations from the private and public sector, a panel discussion was held on the topic: "Challenges and opportunities for the domestic offshore wind power industry and opportunities for cooperation between Korea and Germany". The forum successfully ended with a lively Q&A session between the audience and the panelists.