South Korean delegation visits Berlin to learn about energy efficiency initiatives

To promote the dialogue between Germany and Korea on the subject of energy efficiency a four-day study trip took place in Berlin in early December. A South Korean delegation of 24 people from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), subordinate institutions, the state electricity supplier KEPCO, research institutes and journalists visited the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) as well as several large companies. The delegation gained detailed insight into energy efficiency measures in the German industry and building sectors.
Initially, various experts from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) offered the participants a broad overview of energy efficiency measures in the industrial and construction sectors. In the days that followed, representatives from business and research presented lectures on application-oriented challenges, such as the development of energy efficiency networks (BDI), energy savings in energy-intensive companies (Covestro AG), and the structure and function of lending programs (KfW).
The cost of the energy transition is a particularly important factor for South Korea, and participants often discussed the economic viability of the energy initiatives. They also raised the problem of acceptance numerous times. This includes not only the social acceptance of the energy efficiency initiatives, but also the willingness of private industry to undergo energy audits, for example.
On-site visits supplemented and enriched the numerous lectures, offering participants an idea of how energy efficiency measures are used in practice in industry and in buildings. Visits included the Berlin location of Robert Bosch GmbH, the EUREF Campus and the Vattenfall Refrigeration Centre.
The numerous inquiries and lively discussions made clear that the study trip had been a success, and both sides expressed great interest in continuing the exchange.
(This text is originally from