WG1 Expert Workshop on "Monitoring and Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Measures"

On March 25, another edition of the series of workshops on energy efficiency took place as part of the activities of Working Group 1 of the Korean-German Energy Partnership. Organized by adelphi and AHK Korea (Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry), the expert workshop brought together German and Korean stakeholders for a discussion on how to evaluate the effectiveness of energy efficiency policies. Moderated by Jana Narita (adelphi), Paul Viktor Papenbrock (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz) started the session by setting the scene with an overview of the German energy efficiency policies, especially by providing background on the recent legislative changes around the Energy Efficiency Act. After that, Seougha Kim (Korean Energy Agency) introduced the Korean status quo, elaborating on Korea’s challenges in the field and the governments measures.
Following an engaged first round of discussion, Sangku Park (KEA) introduced Korea’s monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plans within the 6th Plan for Rationalization of Energy Use. Then, Jan Fjornes (adelphi) presented a study on the Korean and German M&E schemes conducted recently. As the next speaker, Lisa Neusel (Fraunhofer ISI) presented the results of Fraunhofer’s evaluation of one of Germany’s main funding instrument for industry decarbonisation, the EEW funding programme. The workshop has shown once again that the continuous exchange between Korea and Germany can play an important role in striving towards the ambitious energy efficiency goals formulated at COP28 and in other contexts. With both countries seeking to adapt their regulatory framework to future challenges, exchange on the most efficient policies and technology options can enrich the respective others' energy efficiency measures.