Webinar on "Efficient Decarbonization Through Waste Heat Utilization"

On August 7, the energy partnership team hosted a webinar on industrial waste heat utilization in order to exchange on the current status of this important pillar of decarbonization efforts in both countries.
Johannes Dornberger from the association of district heating companies started off the discussion by presenting the waste heat utilization cascade in Germany and the implications of the recent legislative changes. Next, William Kwi-hyun Kahng (Korea District Heating Corporation) introduced KDHC’s fields of operation and possible usage of waste heat in the future. Presenting an on-site use case for waste heat, Jonas Witt presented ENERGYNEST’s solution for thermal storage of excess heat. After that, Chang-Ki Baek (Pohang University of Science and Technology) introduced his research on advanced thermoelectric appliances seeking to make utilization more efficient. In another example for on-site utilization, Veronica Schwarz spoke about Orcan Energy’s unique approach for clean power generation from waste heat.
The workshop provided a good opportunity for knowledge exchange and featured prolonged discussions on challenges and possible solutions, which were facilitated by Gunnar Will (adelphi). The event was jointly organized by the AHK Korea (AHK Korea (Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry) and adelphi. We are looking forward to continuing this exchange in the future and keep connecting Korean and German stakeholders!