The energy partnership between Korea and Germany aims to strengthen the bilateral cooperation on topics such as the expansion and system integration of renewable energies, the acceptance of the energy transition, energy efficiency and innovative technologies such as smart grids, energy storage systems and green hydrogen. We facilitate a high level political and multi stakeholder exchange to accelerate the energy transition in Germany and the Republic of Korea.
Latest Publication of the Partnership
Both Germany and Korea are planning to import large quantities of hydrogen in the coming decades. With Germany's 'Update of the National Hydrogen Strategy' and Korea’s ’1st Basic Plan for the Implementation of the Hydrogen Economy’, both countries have set targets and guidelines for the development of their hydrogen market. Germany has also recently adopted its import strategy for green hydrogen with the aim of importing the majority of the hydrogen needed to decarbonize the economy.
In its latest publication adelphi's energy experts analyse, how these national efforts can be further supported by multilateral initiatives. Australia, Germany, Japan and Korea - all playing an important role as hydrogen producers or importers - can leverage their unique strengths and address shared challenges through quadrilateral cooperation on hydrogen.
Since its establishment in December 2019, the Korean-German Energy Partnership has gained strong momentum. During high-level and working group meetings, representatives from both partner ministries jointly shaped the partnership’s design and defined its focal topics. Multi-stakeholder events such as the Korean-German Energy Day enabled experts from politics, business and academia to engage in a fruitful exchange on solutions for a successful energy transition.
What we can do for you
Support Political Dialogue
The Korean-German Energy Partnership is a platform supporting a high-level intergovernmental dialogue on energy matters. We prepare and facilitate high-level and working level policy meetings and organize the exchange between relevant institutions in Germany and Korea.
Promote Best-Practice Exchange
Both countries account for a vast stock of experience. To value what is already there and mutually learn from each other is therefore key to the Korean-German Energy Partnership. We arrange and accompany expert delegations and dialogues.
Connect Business and Politics
We build bridges between politics and business, facilitate access to decision-makers and help you make your position being heard in the partnership countries.
Enhance Energy Transition Communication
Clear communication translates undertakings into understanding.
Media Elements
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An Initiative by
German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
The central task of the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action is to reinvigorate the social market economy, stay innovative in the long term and strengthen the social fabric in Germany. The Ministry has the necessary legal, administrative and coordinating mandate to fulfil this mission, e.g. in the area of energy.
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the Republic of Korea (MOTIE)
MOTIE is committed to providing a foundation for economic growth by combining its efforts to fulfill its wide range of responsibilities in the areas of commerce, investment, industry, and energy.
Implemented by
adelphi is an independent think tank and public policy consultancy on climate, energy, environment and development. Its mission is to improve global governance through research, dialogue and consultation. adelphi offers demand-driven, tailor-made services for sustainable development, helping governments, international organizations, businesses and nonprofits design strategies for addressing global challenges.
In Cooperation with
Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KGCCI/ AHK Korea)
KGCCI (Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry) has been supporting the steadily growing economic relations between Germany and Korea since its establishment in 1981. With both countries engaging in their energy transition towards renewables and increased energy efficiency, KGCCI is fostering the bilateral exchange between relevant business and policy stakeholders through projects via the German Energy Solutions Initiative and the Korean-German Energy Partnership.