The energy partnership between Korea and Germany aims to strengthen the bilateral cooperation on topics such as the expansion and system integration of renewable energies, the acceptance of the energy transition, energy efficiency and innovative technologies such as smart grids, energy storage systems and green hydrogen. We facilitate a high level political and multi stakeholder exchange to accelerate the energy transition in Germany and the Republic of Korea.
Latest Publication
Check out our latest publication: "Battery Electric Vehicles for the Provision of Short-Term Flexibility - An Overview of the Potentials for Germany and Korea"
Planned and managed grid integration of different flexibility options offers great potential as a non-wire alternative. It not only increases system efficiency, but also reduces overall system costs. Grid integration of new end users, such as battery electric vehicles (BEVs) or heat pumps, is often cited as a cause for concern, but also offers great potential as a flexible energy resource. This study provides an overview of the current state and future potential of BEVs for providing flexibility in Germany and Korea, identifying mutual learning, best practices and recommendations for future German-Korean cooperation.
Since its establishment in December 2019, the Korean-German Energy Partnership has gained strong momentum. During high-level and working group meetings, representatives from both partner ministries jointly shaped the partnership’s design and defined its focal topics. Multi-stakeholder events such as the Korean-German Energy Day enabled experts from politics, business and academia to engage in a fruitful exchange on solutions for a successful energy transition.
What we can do for you

Support Political Dialogue
The Korean-German Energy Partnership is a platform supporting a high-level intergovernmental dialogue on energy matters. We prepare and facilitate high-level and working level policy meetings and organize the exchange between relevant institutions in Germany and Korea.
Promote Best-Practice Exchange
Both countries account for a vast stock of experience. To value what is already there and mutually learn from each other is therefore key to the Korean-German Energy Partnership. We arrange and accompany expert delegations and dialogues.

Connect Business and Politics
We build bridges between politics and business, facilitate access to decision-makers and help you make your position being heard in the partnership countries.
Enhance Energy Transition Communication
Clear communication translates undertakings into understanding.